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ipso facto 〔拉丁語〕照那個事實,根據事實本身。

ipso jure

Clause 22 provides that a candidate will be elected ipso facto if he is the only one validly nominated after the close of nominations or if he is the only remaining candidate as a result of death , withdrawal , disqualification or a combination of the foregoing of the other candidates 第22條規定,在提名期結束后,倘若只有一名候選人獲有效提名,或其他候選人因去世、退選、喪失當選資格,或上述多個原因,致令其中一名候選人成為唯一候選人,他便會自動當選。

In extreme cases , false apostles will claim that they and their group alone are the true heirs of the biblical covenants , so that all those who do not submit to their judgments are ipso facto “ outside of christ “ , “ lost “ 在極端情形,假使徒會自稱他們和他們的團體是圣約唯一的傳承,而不順從他們的判定的,都會被貼上在基督之外迷失的標簽。

As soon as actors are typified as role performers , their conduct is ipso facto susceptible to enforcement 當行動者被當作角色執行者而類型化時,他們的行為將確實受到外在強迫力的影響。

His confession of ignorance of french is , ipso facto , a confession of unfitness for his present office 他承認不懂法文,事實上就等于承認不適合擔任他現在的職務。

He is an outstanding pupil and , ipso facto , dislike by the rest of the class 他是優秀的學生,正因為這個緣故,全班都不喜歡他。

He was an outstanding pupil and , ipso facto , disliked by the rest of the class 他是優秀的學生,正因為這個緣故,全班都不喜歡他

Which , ipso facto , is apprehended by its performer as that pattern 行動者可以那種模式理解行動。

So ipso facto , i can ' t be interesting 那么事實上,我不夠有趣?